Holiday Scam Tricks Drivers With $100 Bill on their Windshield

Holiday Scam Tricks Drivers With $100 Bill on their Windshield

Jamaica Bravo

Uh oh! Those holiday season burglars are back, and as much as we are aware that sometimes people steal because life has taken them down a really rough road and they actually need the money, we definitely don’t want to be their victims! So of course, we’ll keep our empathy and good cheer going throughout the holiday season, but let’s also all stay well-informed and alert over the next month so that we don’t become victims of theft.

If you plan on doing plenty of holiday shopping, you’ll want to keep careful eye out for your safety this month. A Jefferson County woman in Maryland just posted a photo of a new scam that is happening in her area on Facebook. Internet users were instantly alarmed by the video and are rushing to spread the news so no one else falls prey to this new con.

It has now been unveiled on Fox News, so hopefully the people behind this scam give up on it, but you never know how far desperate people in need of cash will go. If you walk out of the store from doing your holiday shopping and see one or two $100 bills on your windshield, be careful. Don’t be fooled by these smart counterfeiters; the bills are not real and they are trying to steal your car while you are distracted and reaching for the money.

We suggest sharing this video with your friends so that everyone can be a well-informed this holiday shopping season. Keep the kindness and generosity going this season, but also keep your wits about you so you don’t fall victim to petty criminals!

Please SHARE this story with other holiday shoppers!