101-Year-Old Woman Playing With Snow Reminds Us To Appreciate The Small Things In Life

101-Year-Old Woman Playing With Snow Reminds Us To Appreciate The Small Things In Life

Angela Markus

Armand Foisy was driving his 101-year-old mother to town when it started raining hard. It was winter and the temperature was quickly dropping, so the rain swiftly turned to snow. Foisy’s car wasn’t equipped to handle the snow that day, and he was worried about his old mother, so he began to pull over to the side of the road to figure out how to turn around safely.

As he describes in the video below, he was just about to get going again when suddenly, his mother popped open the passenger’s side door and climbed out of the vehicle. He stepped out to see what she was doing, and the glee on her face inspired him to open up the camera phone and start filming.

His over-a-century-old mother trotted over to a pile of snow, then bent down to pick up a huge handful. Giggling to herself and sharing looks of delight with her son, the old woman made a large snowball. Her excitement is contagious as she exclaims, “Oh my, oh my, oh my, look at this! A snowball! Oh my, oh my, oh my!”

She clearly hasn’t seen snow in quite awhile and seeing it seems to make her feel like a kid again.

This video is such a perfect example of how important it is to slow down and appreciate the little moments in life. Sharing this special moment with his mother in the last stage of her life was absolutely amazing for Arman Foisy. He just had to share it with all of us and we’re glad he did. 

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