Learn How To Make 3 Simple Paper Airplanes That Actually Fly

Learn How To Make 3 Simple Paper Airplanes That Actually Fly

Erika Carter

The genius ladies behind the ever so popular YouTube page, WhatsUpMoms, are back again with a video that your kiddos are sure to love.

While all kids seem to love airplanes, both real and paper, it’s so frustrating that the paper airplanes you make as a fun activity never seem to actually fly. You toss them up in the air one second, and the next they’re nosediving to the ground. What was supposed to be a fun activity ends up occupying your kids’ attention for a mere .02 seconds — and leaves them incredibly disappointed and frustrated.

No good.

So, thanks to some genius mamas of YouTube, you now have three different types of paper airplanes up your sleeve for a rainy day.

The simplest paper airplane involves just two strips of paper glued in a circle and attached to a straw. The second two involve a bit more time and materials, but are definitely worth the “hassle.” Your kiddos will be sure to love this fun activity! 

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