6-Year-Old Gets Plastic Surgery After Being Bullied

6-Year-Old Gets Plastic Surgery After Being Bullied

Angela Markus

Parents, how far would you go to prevent your child from being bullied? Bullying is becoming more and more prevalent and is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, self-esteem, and in some cases tragic suicide. Gage Berger, a 6-year-old from Salt Lake City, is like any other first grader. Except, he is always bullied and picked on because of his ears. So much so that his parents felt helpless and decided to do something about it.

In an interview with Inside Edition, Gage and his parents talked about the incessant bullying from classmates who say his ears stick out from his head too much. He told the reporter that kids at school continually tell him he looks weird and like an elf. The taunting got so bad that his mom, Kallie, says she was worried the teasing would “permanently damage his self-esteem.” The bullying got so bad that the little tike did not want to attend school.

To prevent that, Gage parents opted to have his ears pinned back in a medical procedure that took some two hours. Gage and parents were very satisfied with the outcome and ensure that the decision for Gage to undergo surgery carefully considered his emotional well-being.

But some say that Gage’s parent’s decision was too drastic. What do you think?

Would you allow your child to undergo surgery to prevent bullying?

Let us know your thoughts.

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