One of the best things you can do with household items you planned to throw away is to upcycle them! Lengthening the life of the things you use in your home is not only rewarding, but great for the environment. We’ve come up with seven ways you can reuse your dryer sheets.
Can’t find the duster? No problem! The anti-static properties of dryer sheets allow the dust to cling to the sheets and off of your furniture and blinds while freshening up the smell of the room.
Dryer sheets don’t lose their smell after being used with your laundry. This means that you can put them in hidden places to give your home a boost such as in shoes, in the hamper, or even in a fresh garbage bag. And that’s not all. Adding dryer sheets between your freshly folded laundry will keep it smelling amazing for weeks.
Did you know dryer sheets also remove deodorant stains from clothes? That’s right! Just rub the sheets wherever you apply deodorant and watch the unsightly white marks disappear!
The uses of dryer sheets aren’t limited to clothing, either. They make for an excellent chrome polisher for sinks and faucets and can be used to sharpen dull scissors. They can even aid in the removal of pesky stains and food residue on pots and pans. Just place a dryer sheet in the pot with some warm water, soak it overnight, and see how easy it is to clean it out the next day!
Now this is one video that’ll change you life forever!
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