9 Ways To Prevent Baby Deaths

Baby Deaths

9 Ways To Prevent Baby Deaths

Ashley Rego

According to kidshealth.org, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of death among babies between 1 month and 1 year of age. Each year, more than 2,500 babies die from unpredictable disease in the United States alone. 

While this unexplainable disease is impossible to diagnose ahead of time, there are multiple ways to prevent the possibility of SIDS affecting your baby.

Below, nine lifesaving tips are presented that could help diminish the risk of SIDS or other major injuries. Some may be common knowledge such as the importance of keeping your child’s immunizations up to date, while others are lesser known, like the consequences of kissing your baby in the ear or the reasons why you should not install cot bumpers into your baby’s crib.

Whether you are a new parent, a proud grandma, or a mommy-to-be, these tips could potentially save a baby’s life and should be shared with anyone and everyone.

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