103-Year-Old Killer Whale Discovery Contradicts SeaWorlds Claims. What Are Your Thoughts?

103-Year-Old Killer Whale Discovery Contradicts SeaWorlds Claims. What Are Your Thoughts?

Angela Markus

They used to say SeaWorld is one of those must-see attractions where the whole family can see beautiful creatures of the sea.

But recently there has been some negative spotlight on the organization for their treatment and false statements about Orcas (Killer Whales. like Shamu).

Scientists recently discovered a 103-year old Orca called Granny, signifying bad news for the aquatic theme park.

Recently spotted with her pod (children, grandchildren and great grandchildren) off the coast of western Canada, this beauty of nature contradicts everything we have learned about Orcas as stated by SeaWorld.

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SeaWorld has stated that no one knows the true age an Orca can live to. Granny is clearly proving that statement wrong. The Whale and Dolphin Conservation has estimated that Orcas in captivity, like the ones in SeaWorld, live to maybe 25 to 35 years on average. Do you see the discrepancy? Granny is 103! Orcas in their native habitats are outliving their captured cousins by decades of years, and I dare to say centuries of years.

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The short life span of the captive Orcas are forcing breeding habits that reduce their health. Orcas that live in the wild are free to swim for hundreds of miles, wherever they want. Orcas in the SeaWorld are forced to swim in circles. Can you imagine the mental torture for such a large sea creature?

Since the first sighting of Granny, she has traveled the distances with her pod. Orcas in captivity are separated from their pods interrupting the nurturing effect among the families. It should be noted that not all Orcas live as long as Granny. But scientists are discovering more now that they may live substantially longer lives in the wild.

What are your thoughts about this controversial subject?

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