They Asked 3 Generations The Same Question. Their Answers Will Sadden You…

They Asked 3 Generations The Same Question. Their Answers Will Sadden You…

Genevieve Lopez

Grandparents have the greatest stories. They’re the real-life version of Huckleberry Fin that we all aspire to be one day. When I was your age, followed by an epic adventure, are the stories that we could only hope to live up to. We can thank this-day-and-age for that struggle.

Now that technology has advanced further than any baby-boomer could have seen coming, there’s no need for children to build forts in the back yard or pick blueberries in the meadows. With the swipe of an arrow, children can be entertained by video games, text, and wifi everywhere they go.

In this social experiment, they asked three generations the same question, When you were a kid, what did you do for fun? 

Grandparents boasted about the good ol’ days when they would grow watermelons and plantains and encounter black bears while fishing. Their children contributed with their stories of building massive forts and gathering all of their friends to play baseball in the streets.

Then they asked the children, What do you like to do for fun? You can guess what they respond with, but after hearing such wonderful memories from their elders, you still hope for something different…

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