Breakfast Will Never Be The Same After You See This Bacon And Egg Tart Recipe

Breakfast Will Never Be The Same After You See This Bacon And Egg Tart Recipe

Erika Carter

I love breakfast, but then again, who doesn’t? As we all know, it is indeed the most important meal of the day! But just because we love it and know it’s important, it doesn’t mean that we always have time in the morning to cook elaborate breakfast dishes. Heck, sometimes I don’t even have time to put my coffee in a to-go cup and grab a granola bar. I know I’m not alone… 

Even when I do have time in the morning to cook breakfast, I often settle for boring scrambled eggs or a bowl of cereal. Everything else seems too daunting and I worry I’ll make a mess that I won’t get to until later that day. And nobody likes coming home to a messy kitchen, am I right? 

Well, lucky for all of us, OnePotChef, the ever so fabulous YouTube chef, is here to save the day once again with a fantastically easy bacon and egg breakfast tart that you can make in just a few minutes and without all the mess! Bless this man.

The recipe is super easy and is essentially just placing cooked bacon and raw eggs on an uncooked pastry tart and baking it. Seriously. I told you it was simple. 

Give it a try and tell us how it goes! SHARE the love and pass it on!