Little Boy Tries To Break a Board In Taekwondo and It’s The Cutest Thing You’ll See All Day!

Little Boy Tries To Break a Board In Taekwondo and It’s The Cutest Thing You’ll See All Day!

Erika Carter

Adorable children videos are my kryptonite. While I’m pretty level-headed and even-keeled when it comes to all other aspects of my life, turn on a video of a cute kid singing or giggling and I just turn to mush. Once I start watching the baby videos, I just can’t stop. My internal clock starts ringing and for the next four hours, I participate in some weird sort of happy crying/laughing ritual while shoving ice cream in my face and ordering ovulation sticks off of Amazon. Women, do you feel me?

That’s why when I found this video, I simply had to share it. It seriously has all of the best things a baby video can have. Adorable kid? Check. Costume? Yes. Cute little bowl haircut? Absolutely. Uncontrollable giggle fit? Yes, and it’s the best ever. Adorable happy dance? Check and check. Seriously, it’s so great.

This little guy is so determined to get his White Belt, but there’s just one thing standing in the way: chopping the board in half with his foot. The near two minutes of him desperately trying to make it happen are possibly the funniest and cutest two minutes ever recorded. Seriously, I dare you to watch this without letting out one single “Awwwwwww.” It’s impossible.

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