Man Proposes To His Girlfriend Through Christmas Even Family Photo

Man Proposes To His Girlfriend Through Christmas Even Family Photo

Angela Markus

The most important thing to remember about proposals is that the best time to propose is the right time. A proposal is sometimes one of the most romantic days in a couple’s history. And if this young man attempted to be romantic, he nailed it with this proposal.

Tyne Owen from New South Wales sprung a rather elaborate wedding proposal on his girlfriend, Jamie Sheumack, during a Christmas photo shoot. He and his bride-to-be sat front row and center as they posed for a festive seasonal photo where nine participants wore lettered T-shirts spelling “Merry Xmas.”

Unbeknown to Sheumack, for a second photo, the letter “E” and “A” swapped places and the “X” and “S” cover their vests with sparkly hearts to create “Marry Me.” Then another opens up his Christmas jacket to add a question mark to the phrase. When Shemack heads over to the camera, which was set up on a tripod, she took one look at the images and was blown away.

Covering her face with her hands, she screams out in excitement. Then Tyne, ring in hand, pops the question. After saying yes, of course, she cries while admiring her sparkly engagement ring. The spouses-to-be then embrace with everyone else in the room watching and cheering on.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

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