The wildly popular Nerf gun was probably one of the most desired items by young boys this past Christmas, but its seems that with all of the technology and fanciness of the toys, some youngsters can’t resist the magic of the good ole fashion simple toy. Take this wooden gun for instance. Watch as YouTuber CrazyPT uses hangers to make the coolest toy gun around.
After demonstrating how the toy gun can shoot rubber bands, he shows us how to construct the piece. You will need two wooden hangers, a clothespin, lollipop sticks, a glue gun, a small saw, rubber bands, and thin piece of fabric.
First, he deconstructs the wooden hangers and saws off the pieces that he does not need. He then attaches a half of a clothespin which is used as a mechanism to propel the rubber band. Then he cuts the other pieces to neatly replicate a mini shotgun. He saws, glues, and uses the sticks to make the frame. He places some lollipop sticks on different parts of the toy to serve as a loading dock for his rubber bands and adds a piece of fabric.
What little boy would not love this? It has to be the most clever DIY I have ever seen!
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