Woman Wakes Up From Coma To Give Birth To Healthy Baby

Woman Wakes Up From Coma To Give Birth To Healthy Baby

Angela Markus

Jenny Quiles was 33 weeks along in her pregnancy when an accident in St. Petersburg left her in a coma, clinging to life. Jenny was struck by a tow truck as she was crossing the street and she’s been at Bayfront Medical Center ever since.

The pregnant woman’s story took a turn for the better when the 36-year-old awakened from her coma. She delivered a 6-pound baby girl by C-section the following day named Angel, after her father. While mom is responsive and the baby is doing well, The Tampa Tribune reports that she remains in intensive care.

Since the accident, both Jenny and Angel Quiles Jr. have been out of work. Angel explained that he has not left Jenny’s side since she was injured, and have created a Go Fund Me page to help with expenses. According to local reports, “The right front corner of the Dodge truck struck Quiles and projected her forward onto the pavement, where she struck her head.”

Angel expects his wife’s road to recovery to be a long one, but he is very hopeful. The dad said that his wife is capable, “The biggest thing I can say is thank God because this is a miracle.” Also, his wife nods her head, and is “understanding for the most part.”

In an interview with The St. Petersburg Tribune, Angel Sr. had some profound advice for men, “Give them everything you can today because tomorrow is not promised to no one. Love your wife, love your child, because that’s all you have at the end of the day.”

Couldn’t have said it better! We are wishing Jenny a speedy recovery.

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