When it comes to my daughter’s birthdays, I’m always on the hunt for unique ideas that will make her day extra special! One theme that I know I can always fall back on is princesses; it’s always a huge hit because what little girl doesn’t LOVE being a princess for the day?!
Well, during my research I happened to stumble across this tutorial on how to create a princess doll birthday cake, and it couldn’t be a more perfect addition to this year’s princess themed birthday party!
And the best part about this tutorial? It’s so much easier than it looks! No fancy baking equipment required – in fact, you could even replace the frosting piping bag with a plastic bag and just snip an edge off!
I can’t wait to fool around with decorations for the dress of the cake – this year I think we’re going to go with EXTRA glitter! What are your ideas? Let me know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this awesome guide to building one of the cutest cakes I have ever seen!