“Duck Dynasty” is one of the most popular shows on television. The show portrays the story of the Robertsons, who are the owners of the Duck Commander line of duck hunting products.
One of the most recognizable things about the Robertson family are their famous beards. They have even made Halloween costumes that feature these illustrious beards and bandanas. But did you know that they haven’t always been this way?
The Robertson family, at one time, were actually very clean-cut and, more importantly, fairly clean shaven folk! They enjoyed the wealth that had come to them from the success of their company. So you’re dying to know, where did the beards come in? Was it just for the show? Or were they trying to get back to their duck hunting roots. While I’m not entirely sure, these pictures are OUTRAGEOUS!
Here’s Willie with a VERY 90s haircut alongside his family.
This is Willie now. What a difference!
Here’s a family picture of Jase and his family:
This is what Jase looks like now. WOW!
Here’s a picture of Jep and his lovely family from before:
These pictures are UNBELIEVABLE! SHARE the love, pass it on!