When Peter Cohen bought his home in Goleta, California in 1988, it came equipped with two outdoor cats. Tragically, one was hit by a car and killed. With luck clearly not on their side, the other was also hit by a car, but ultimately saved thanks to quite a bit of reconstructive surgery. After these unfortunate round of events, Peter decided to turn the lone survivor into an indoor cat. To provide her with some company, he began taking in rescue cats one by one.
Before Peter knew it, he had over a dozen cats! Quickly falling in love with this adorable felines, Peter decided to turn his home into an indoor play land that his four-legged friends would adore! Constructed with elaborate catwalks, tunnels, platforms and perches throughout, this has to be one of the most architecturally interesting houses I’ve ever seen! Not to mention incredibly fun!
So far he’s spent nearly $40,000 for his furry housemates! If taking on 15 rescue cats wasn’t enough, this man has clearly gone above and beyond to give his cats the ultimate gift of love!
If you thought this was as cool as I did, SHARE this magical cat oasis with everyone you know!