Escaping Handcuffs Is Easier Than You Think And It Only Takes One Tiny Tool!

Escaping Handcuffs Is Easier Than You Think And It Only Takes One Tiny Tool!

Kendall Conners

It’s not everyday you get put in a pair of professional handcuffs. In fact, most of us would rather not ever have to try this handcuff lifehack.

But, hypothetically speaking, if you got yourself in a sticky situation and were cuffed and needed to desperately escape (think Jack Dawson in “Titanic”), there is a way out. And it’s easier than you might think.

We live in the era of lifehacks, where there’s a quick fix for everything, even getting out of handcuffs! Believe it or not, the only thing standing between you and freedom is one tiny item that every office has — a paperclip!

The man in this video shows us how just one tiny paperclip can unlock a set of professional handcuffs. You start off by biting down on the small end of the clip, making a dent. From there, he goes through the process of how you would get the paperclip into the keyhole and turn.

I don’t know how well this would work if you were actually handcuffed and in a stressful situation, but at least he makes it look easy! What did you think of this unusual lifehack?

Watch the video below and as always, SHARE the love and pass it on!