Warning: Some of the footage in this video is hard to watch.
When I first watched this video I couldn’t believe my eyes – I can’t believe something so cruel would happen to an innocent child! A young, severely autistic boy had private therapist sessions to help him learn how to socialize and help him with his autism.
The mother of this sweet young boy noticed that he wasn’t making much improvement. Since the time she first hired the therapist, her son hadn’t made much progress so she became concerned. So, she decided to set up a hidden camera where her son’s therapist sessions were held.
The footage she got was worse than she thought. The camera caught the therapist brutally abusing her autistic son. He elbows the boy in the head, hits him with pillows, head-butts him, throws him into the couch, and drags him by one arm. When his mother saw this, she was in shock and appalled.
“If I hadn’t put a video camera downstairs we would’ve never known,” says the distraught mother.
This therapist is now facing felony charges and hopefully gets the justice he deserves. I can’t even begin to imagine how the parents of that boy are feeling. What would YOU do if you were his parents?!
Please watch and SHARE this shocking video.