Julie Fitzgerald noticed something different about her youngest son, Avery. Every time the light struck him a certain way, she was convinced she could see something in the back of his eye. Concerned, she began researching online what it could possibly be.
Julie came across a story of another woman who noticed something peculiar about the eyes of several family members. In photographs, she noticed that instead of the common “redeye” that can often occur in photos, their pupils were showing up completely white. Upon further investigation, this discovery turned out to be cancer.
When Julie retold the story to her husband, he assured her it was nothing, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something seriously wrong. With a dreaded feeling in the pit of her stomach, she took a picture of her three children. Sure enough, her youngest son’s eye appeared white.
She went to a specialist who confirmed the feared news, Avery’s eye was 75% covered in tumors, and would need to be removed. Even scarier, if they had waited much longer, the cancer would have likely spread to his brain and blood.
It is amazing that they were able to find and remove the cancer when they did, and hopefully this story will potentially help save the lives of other children affected with this disease.
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