There’s nothing more tragic and heartbreaking than losing an animal. Having an animal, like a dog or a cat, is SO much more than just having a pet, it’s like having a child. But it’s not only heartbreaking for the owner, it’s devastating for the other pets as well.
When the Rottweiler in this video, Brutus, wakes up to find that his twin brother, Hank, had passed away in his sleep he is overcome by emotion. Hank had been not well for awhile, as he was in grievance with his Therapy Dog service and apparently never came out of that grievance.
This video was taken 30 minutes after Brutus and his owner woke up, finding Hank had peacefully passed. The look in Brutus’ eyes is so heartbreaking, you can see and feel the pain. The owner said that in the two years he’s had Brutus, he’s never heard him whine or cry. But in this video, you can clearly see he is crying for his brother Hank.
The emotions that both owner and Brutus are going through are so devatstating to watch. I know how it feels to lose a pet and my heart goes out to both of them during this hard time.
Please watch and SHARE this touching and emotional video.