Create Adorable Bracelets Out Of Water Bottles!

Create Adorable Bracelets Out Of Water Bottles!

Genevieve Lopez

Before you recycle those empty water bottles, consider taking your recycling routine to the next level.

Innova Crafts is as clever as she is crafty, and she’s come up with a way to take useless plastic bottles and turn them into the cutest accessory!

After taping the bottle with masking tape, she takes a pair of scissors to the bottle and cuts it in half. Then, she removes the steam from her iron, adjusts the temperature to a medium heat and rounds in the edges of her plastic strip.

Finally, she utilizes her old nail polish and paints an array of colors inside the plastic strip to create an adorable bracelet to match her outfit! The result is absolutely darling!

Best part is, this looks like a safe enough craft to do with your kids this summer!

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