In a world sometimes filled with destruction, it’s nice to hear a story that has a miraculously happy ending.
Khaled Farah is a Syrian volunteer rescue worker who spends his days risking his life to save others, but this is one day and one life he will never forget.
In the midst of war, a Ansari neighborhood was bombed. Many people were injured and a few were even killed. Khaled heard a mother desperately crying for assistance and as Khaled ran over to her, he had no idea what to expect.
Beneath a pile of heavy rubble was her 2-week-old baby, screaming for his life. The baby was buried under so much rubble that they had to be extremely careful. They needed to be sure they wouldn’t crush the infant before they started moving anything.
The moment the baby is removed from the rubble, cheers erupt from the entire crowd. In a day that was filled with death and destruction, it was just the victory that they needed to keep going.
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