He Built His Very Own Floating Bed!

Floating Bed

He Built His Very Own Floating Bed!

Bethany Burrows

If you’re into home improvement, then this is the project for you!

This guy turned his bed into something you will be dying to have!

When the lights are off it looks like a simple bed frame but with one flick of the switch the bed appears to be floating! See how he created it below and try if out yourself if you’re brave enough!

He started by collecting all the wood he would need and sawing it down to size.

Floating Bed

Next, he assembled the frame, making it the size of a queen bed.

Floating Bed

His bed was going to need some supports so that’s what he added next.

Floating Bed

This is where things get tricky. To create the floating effect, he had to build he built a box underneath the bed frame.

Floating Bed

Time for the lights!

Floating Bed

Time for the final touches…

Floating Bed

Wow! The finished product looks so amazing!

Floating Bed

I want one in my house! Would you attempt to build something like this?

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