This Adorable 3-Year Old is Second-Guessing What He Ate. I Bet We’ve ALL Had Thoughts Like THIS!

This Adorable 3-Year Old is Second-Guessing What He Ate. I Bet We’ve ALL Had Thoughts Like THIS!

Kendall Conners

This three-year-old is sitting on the toilet thinking he is all alone. Little does he know his parents are on the other side of the door video taping the interesting conversation he is having to himself!

He keeps repeating to himself that he ate so much food that his poo is going to overflow the toilet and that he is never going to eat that much food again! His mom begins to laugh as he moves on to a verbal commentary of everything he had eaten that day…apples, poutine, cheese string and so many chocolate thingies! Although he swears up and down that he will never eat that much food again, we all know that’s not gonna happen! We’ve all been there, kid.

Please watch and SHARE this adorable one-sided conversation!