Girl On Snapchat Captures Akron Plane Crash Moment

Girl On Snapchat Captures Akron Plane Crash Moment

Jamaica Bravo

Typical teenager, Paige McVeigh, was hanging out in her room, practicing her pouty lips and duck faces for a really good Snapchat she wanted to send to her friends, when something incredibly alarming happened. She was flashing the peace sign and pouting her lips when, all of a sudden, a loud noise and flash outside of light caught her attention.

We can see the shock and horror on her face in this snapchat video when Paige whips her head around to stare open-mouthed out the window. She can’t see what’s happening, but the shadow and light flash, along with the horrid crashing noise causes her to cover her mouth with her hand in horror. She later posted that she thought that it must have just been a bus colliding into a nearby pole — which would have been tragic enough. But what actually happened was just as terrifying, if not much worse.

As Paige jumps out of her seat, shrieking “Oh my God!” she discovers a small plane, the Hawker charter jet, carrying nine passengers, had flown directly into the side of the small, four-family apartment complex building where Paige lived.





You can see the ensuing flames and dilapidation of one side of the apartment complex, along with the utterly ruined plane in pieces spread all around the area. Firefighters were quickly called to the scene, in time to ensure that the fire was put out and that no one inside the complex had been injured. However, all nine passengers on the Hawker, which had been heading from Dayton to Akron Fulton International Airport, died in the crash.



Such a sad story, and what an appalling thing for a teenager to have to witness!

Our hearts go out to the families of the plane’s passengers.