They’re Calling Angelina Jordan The Next Amy Winehouse. When You See This Jaw-Dropping Performance, You’ll Know Why…

They’re Calling Angelina Jordan The Next Amy Winehouse. When You See This Jaw-Dropping Performance, You’ll Know Why…

Angela Markus

This little girl is a young Ella Fitzgerald in the making, and she’s stealing the hearts of thousands. The nine-year-old is sweeping the Internet after captivating hearts with her incredibly mature and soulful voice. Her performance of Dinah Washington’s What A Difference A Day Makes has many calling her the next Amy Winehouse.

At one and half years old, the pint sized prodigy began her fame on YouTube. According to her website, she has always adored Whitney Houston, and would especially enjoy singing “I Will Always Love You.” Angelina’s parents have fond memories of their daughter’s face lighting up whenever the song played.

For the young talent, listening quickly turned into singing along with her idol. Months would go by, and her passion for music only grew stronger. In 2014, at the age of eight, little Angelina stole the spotlight at “Norway’s Got Talent,” where she showed the world how superb her voice really is.

This performance is filmed at the Fortress in Halden, Norway. It begins with two back-up singers singing the opening notes, then with Angelina joining in. The moment she opens her mouth, the crowd applauds with amazement.

Despite the hundreds of people at the outdoor performance, Angelina appears unfazed by the crowd. Wearing her hair piled up in a bouffant with several red and pink roses, she belts out the ballad. Her talent is unmatched.

You’ve got to hear it for yourself. Her singing is truly remarkable.

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