She Bought Plates From The Dollar Store and Saved Tons to Make This Lovely Art Piece For Her Home!

She Bought Plates From The Dollar Store and Saved Tons to Make This Lovely Art Piece For Her Home!

Erika Carter

I don’t know about you all, but I love me some Anthropologie. The only problem is that everything seems to be WAY overpriced. Take for example this awesome plate art. It’s pretty, right? But what if I told you that this collection of 35 plates cost $7,500? Yes, you read that correctly. 

Thanks to this awesome DIYer from While They Snooze, you can now recreate the look — without the insane price tag. To complete this project, you’ll need the following:

  • 30 plates
  • 30 Command Strips for hanging the plates
  • A Sharpie
  • A Projector

Step 1: Purchase 30 plates. The Dollar Store sells them for, yep, you guessed it, a dollar! You might want to buy a few extra, just in case.


Step 2: Place your Command Strips on the back of each plate and label them. This is important!


Step 3: Hang your plates on the wall so that it’s 5 across and 6 down. Make sure to measure so that everything is hung evenly.


Step 4: Take your plates down. Yes, I know we just told you to hang your plates, but now it’s important that you take them down. The Command Strips need to cure so that your plates don’t come crashing down. This is why we had you label the plates!

Step 5: Once the Command Strips have cured, you may put your plates back up on the wall.


Step 6: Find a print you would like to trace onto your plates.

Step 7: Using your projector, project the print onto your wall.


Step 8: Trace.
Step 9: Admire your awesome work — and treat yourself for just having saved $7,500!



IMAGES SOURCE: While They Snooze

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