His Chinese Collection Broke Records on Antiques Roadshow. By The End, He Was Asking For an Inhaler!

His Chinese Collection Broke Records on Antiques Roadshow. By The End, He Was Asking For an Inhaler!

Kendall Conners

Priding itself on being “part adventure, part history lesson and part treasure hunt” Antiques Roadshow has become an American institution. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the majority of your life, chances are you’ve seen this 12-time Emmy Award nominated show at least once in your life.

The Roadshow travels to various cities throughout the US in search of the world’s rarest antiques and collectibles. During each hour-long episode, America’s leading specialists give hopeful collectors free appraisals of their most cherished artifacts. Each item that is brought to Antiques Roadshow — whether it’s from a yard sale, salvaged from an attic or is a family heirloom — has a fascinating story behind it. I’ve learned some great history lessons from this show!

During this episode of Antiques Roadshow, they travelled to Tulsa, Oklahoma where they came across a man who had a collection of rare Chinese rhinoceros horn carved libation cups. It’s safe to say that this man’s collection broke a record for the show.

Putting most of his life’s savings into this collection, he was eager to see how much they were all really worth. Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst he anxiously waited to see what the appraiser had to say.

When he finally learned how much his collection was worth he nearly fell out of his chair! He was asking for an inhaler — and he doesn’t even have asthma!

Just WAIT till you see how much his collection is worth. When you find out you’ll start reevaluating all the rare little knick-knacks you have in your house.

Watch his adorable reaction and as always, SHARE the love, pass it on!