Turns Out An Apple A Day Really Does Keep The Doctor At Bay (Plus It Keeps You Younger!)

Turns Out An Apple A Day Really Does Keep The Doctor At Bay (Plus It Keeps You Younger!)

Erika Carter

Doctors recently discovered a secret to reversing the aging process — and it involves an item we all have in our kitchens.

Apparently a chemical found in apple peels can now help restore older people’s muscles into muscles of a much younger person. In fact, it only takes about two months of treatment before patients start seeing fantastic results.

This is an absolute medical breakthrough as it will allow elderly people to continue exercising for years after they formerly could, meaning that they will be able to stay active and take better care of themselves. This new breakthrough will likely increase the life expectancy for elderly people. 

No news yet on whether there is anything in apples that will make you look younger, though we can only bet that something like that will be discovered soon. Either way, it turns out the old saying is true “an apple a day really does keep the doctor away.”

So next time you’re at the grocery store, stock up.

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