Baby Found Alive In Coffin In Argentina

Baby Found Alive In Coffin In Argentina

Jamaica Bravo

In what can only be described as a miracle, a baby in Argentina has survived against seemingly impossible odds. Born at just six months gestation and weighing less than two pounds, the tiny baby girl came into the world silently, no signs of life visible.

With doctors unable to find any vital signs after two attempts, hospital staff told the brokenhearted parents that their baby girl was dead. The baby was sent to the hospital’s morgue, where her body was refrigerated for 10 hours. Her body was then placed into a tiny coffin, the lid nailed shut. Her grief-stricken parents were unable to bear the thought of not being able to see their little girl at least once more.

Her father walked up to the stretcher her coffin was sitting on. He pried open the lid to the coffin she had been placed in to be put to rest. The newborn’s parents moved back the white cloth that was placed over the tiny girl, wanting one more glimpse of her face before they had to say goodbye forever.

Her mother touched the baby’s tiny hand. That’s when her parents heard what must have been the most glorious sound they could imagine – their daughter’s cries. Their baby was alive! It is unimaginable that a premature baby could survive for so long in a frigid morgue.

There is no question that this little girl has a huge will to live and is a fighter. The child was taken to the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit for treatment. The hospital’s medical director says they are completely puzzled as to how this could have happened and that they have never seen anything like this.

Fittingly, after her amazing start, her overjoyed parents decided to name their daughter Luz Milagros, the Spanish words for “light” and “miracles”.

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