Baby Imitates Pregnant Mom’s Walk and It’s Hilarious!

Baby Imitates Pregnant Mom’s Walk and It’s Hilarious!

Angela Markus

Babies are like sponges. They soak up everything they see around them, and to our amusement, try to mimic life through their brand-new-to-life perspective.

Mom’s six months pregnant with her second child, and child number one just can’t wait to be a big sister. So much so that she’s observantly watching Mom’s every move, waiting for that special day. But during her observation she’s noticed something interesting– the way mom walks!

Like most pregnant women, Mom leans a little back to find balance and slightly waddles to her destinations. This 15-month-old little girl has been so intrigued by her mom’s new walk she can’t help but imitate it herself.

When asked, “How does Momma walk?” she responds with the cutest “pregnant-woman” waddle you’ve ever seen. Get ready for a really good laugh!

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