Her Baby Was Born Dead. 22 Minutes Later, She Hears Him Breathing…

Her Baby Was Born Dead. 22 Minutes Later, She Hears Him Breathing…

Angela Markus

Most every parent’s dream is to have a baby of their own someday.

It’s a moment in a couple’s life that brings them closer together and ignites a light in their life that never dies. Nothing compares to a parent’s love for their child.

Baby Jacob Tompkins is no stranger to the love you feel from a parent.

Since January 2014, Laura and her husband had been trying to have baby.

When they found out they were finally pregnant, they could not be more ecstatic. But when the time came to give birth to baby Jacob, there were scary complications.


In the first twenty two minutes after Jacob was born, medical personal declared him stillborn and doctors immediately tried to revive him. Abbie Tompkins was in tears when she heard nothing from him, but hope was restored after twenty two minutes and he started to breathe.


It was and is such a beautiful miracle. However, because he was not breathing for almost 30 minutes, Jacob developed hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, a type of brain damage that has a one percent survival rate. But baby Jacob was determined to pull through and go home to his loving family.

After a long, arduous month in the hospital, with constant surveillance of doctors and medical staff and countless prayers, baby Jacob was strong enough to be discharged. He is now settling into this new home happily with his loving parents.


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