There is beauty in every creature—even the slithery snake. Fear of snakes is one of the most common phobias, but as frightening as they may be to some, the clip of a baby King brown snake immediately after hatching is undeniably fascinating.
The magical moment the snake hatched from its egg was captured by the park’s head of reptiles and venom, Billy Collett, and posted to Facebook. As cute as the monster is now, he is to be respected when he grows older.
Despite its common name, the king brown is not a true brown snake but one of the black snake family. As with many Australian snakes the color is variable and these robust snakes with huge heads and large specimens can grow to a length of 8 feet, according to Natural Geographic. It is a widespread species inhabiting most of Australia and can be found in almost any type of environment. Female king browns produce a clutch of around 8-20 eggs, and there is no maternal care for the eggs once they have been laid. So this little guy is all on his own.
As scary as that information might seem, he is still a cute baby. What do you think?
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