Baby Mimics Mother Saying “I Love You” and It’s The Cutest Sounds You’ll Ever Hear!

Baby Mimics Mother Saying “I Love You” and It’s The Cutest Sounds You’ll Ever Hear!

Angela Markus

No matter how long they have been on this Earth, babies never cease to amaze us with their smarts. Infants soak in information from the stimuli surrounding them, and healthy interactions with a child and their environment are essential to developing strong communication skills that will last a lifetime. No one expects a baby to be communicating at such a young age, but there are many clips that disprove that theory. When this mom was expressing how much she loves her baby, the little princess responded in a way that was not expected.

Watching your baby learn how to crawl, walk and talk are monumental experiences. When they do it surprisingly, I imagine that the moment fills parents with so much joy. Mom and her baby were sharing some quality time when mom says, “I love you.” Seconds later, staring into the camera, the baby responds says “I love you” with the same singing tone that mom used.

I’m not sure how old this little one is, but her cute impersonation of mom’s words is the most adorable thing you will see all day. Amazing, right? Parents can’t wait until babies can finally “talk” to them, and this one just totally rocked her first “I love youuuuu.”

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