2-Year-Old Sings The Blues For Dad

Baby Sings The Blues

2-Year-Old Sings The Blues For Dad

Patrick Dangermond

He’s got the blues, the bad diaper blues, and he’s not afraid to sing it from the top of his lungs for the whole world to hear!

Accompanied by his father on the guitar, this 2-year-old named Luca is singing out his problems of being a child, or at least I think he is. Spanish and baby speak don’t go well together!

Here’s the translation of what it says about him on YouTube:

“My God … He starts singing at each change of chord. In addition, in their language, the phrases are short and spaced … Puts face pain … shakes his head BLUES.”

It’s a little rough, but I think you get what he’s trying to say. What an old soul this he is! I can’t help but bob my head to his rhythm of his harmonica! He sure is destined for greatness.

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