Mom Finally Catches Who Has Been Stealing Candy From The Top Shelf Of The Pantry And It’s NOT Dad!

Mom Finally Catches Who Has Been Stealing Candy From The Top Shelf Of The Pantry And It’s NOT Dad!

Kendall Conners

At one point or another, every little kid goes through a phase where all he or she wants to do is get into mischief. Some little kids are more mischievous than others, but if you leave a toddler alone for a few minutes they’ll find a way to get into some sort of trouble.

The mom in this video noticed that her pantry was constantly messy and the candies and snacks on the top shelf kept disappearing. She just assumed that it was her husband, but when the problem persisted she decided to get to the bottom of it.

One day she set up a camera right in front of her pantry and waited, and low and behold the culprit showed up. But to her surprise it wasn’t her husband — it was her son!

Her sneaky little child had been climbing the shelves of the pantry to get to the top where the candies were hidden. He climbed up five shelves, and it’s not a small pantry, that’s for certain! I’m not sure how old her son is but it doesn’t look safe for him to be climbing up all those shelves.

While I must admit, he’s quite a smart and brave little kid, what he’s doing looks extremely dangerous! What would you have done if you were the mom? Would you have stood by and filmed or done something to get him down?

Watch and SHARE this alarming video!