She Nursed Him Since He Cracked From His Egg. Where This Sterling Is Now Will Make You Smile

She Nursed Him Since He Cracked From His Egg. Where This Sterling Is Now Will Make You Smile

Angela Markus

What would you do if you saw a struggling baby animal? Well this amazing individual decided to take care of a new born baby bird that was left alone and their story is heartwarming.

It all started on June 16, 2014 when she spotted a cracked egg laying on the ground. The woman decided to pick it up, and as she did, a little baby bird began to emerge from the cracked egg. The egg was alone. There was no nest in sight.

The woman decided that the baby shouldn’t be left alone and that something needed to be done. So she named him Klinger. As soon as the baby bird emerged completely, Klinger was placed in a makeshift incubator. A lot of people warned that Klinger would not survive. However, Klinger was fighting against all odds and was alive the next morning.

For Klinger’s first two weeks, he required food every 20 to 30 minutes as soon as the sun rose to when the sun set. It was a tedious process to keep him alive. As the days went on, Klinger became stronger and bigger. Then, overtime, he started to grow fuzzy with feathers.

Finally the day arrived and Klinger’s eyes opened up to the world. It didn’t take long for Klinger to learn how to feed himself, no longer needing the assistance of his owner.

When Klinger learned to fly, she felt like it was time she set him free in the wild. But due to the fact that Klinger was raised as a solo bird inside a house with a human, he imprinted and wouldn’t survive. But lucky for Klinger, he was welcomed into her loving home.

Is this story sweet, or what?

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