Rescuers Find a One-Year-Old Baby Beneath The Wreckage of a Plane Crash

Rescuers Find a One-Year-Old Baby Beneath The Wreckage of a Plane Crash

Angela Markus

In the midst of a terrible tragedy, a miracle has occurred. A 13-month-old baby is the lone survivor of a plane crash in South Sudan. The infant was found with another passenger who later succumbed to his industries. The cargo plane crashed soon after taking off from a South Sudan airport, killing 36 people, according to local reports.

According to the head of South Sudan’s Civil Aviation Authority, Stephen Warikozi, the plane was not authorized to carry passengers. He told the Associated Press that the captain of the Antonov AN-12 informed the control tower at Juba international airport before taking off that he had 12 passengers and six crew members. But there were more people aboard the flight than the number cited by the captain.

Nyalou Thong was found near the wreckage lying on the chest of an unconscious man also injured in the crash. Rescuers rushed the baby to a hospital for care. “It was like an intervention by God,” one rescuer exclaimed.  

The infant survived with a broken leg and a wound to her forehead. Her mother and brother perished in the crash, according to local reports. Warikozi said the plane’s cargo capacity was 15.5 tons and that, according to the cargo manifest, the plane was carrying its maximum capacity for cargo.

The plane crashed near the Nile River soon after taking off. It had been bound for the Paloich oil fields. An investigation is ongoing.

A miracle indeed!

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