Baby Trolls His Mother By Pretending To Knock Over Water. I Dare You To Try and Not Laugh…

Baby Trolls His Mother By Pretending To Knock Over Water. I Dare You To Try and Not Laugh…

Angela Markus

Babies are cute from the very first day they are born, to the time they begin to walk and explore the world. But regardless of their cuteness, there are some boundaries parents need to set for their curious babies.

The exploratory phase in a baby’s life can be filled with joy and excitement, but it’s also the phase that mom might lose a chunk of hair or two. Never the less, it’s this time when the funniest memories are made.

Watch this curious little boy. He’s so brand new to life, everything is just so tempting! He’s at the age where there is independence, no need for the hand of mom and dad for support.

Forget the bright, sparkly toy. He races over to something even more interesting, the glass of water on the center table. His eyes tell it all: Let’s mess with mom.

Mom already sensed his intentions and hollers out a warning, “No!” Every time mom says no, the baby looks at her then looks at the glass. “Don’t do it!” she says. Again, the baby looks at mom, then looks at the glass. You can’t help but laugh at the baby’s head bobbing back and forth. The baby knows what mom is about to say. When mom’s shout gets louder, he fakes a move. This baby is unbelievably comical and undeniably smart.

Clearly, this small child knows how to get mom going! Can you imagine years from now? This is too dangerous… and downright funny!
Uncontrollable laughter! SHARE the love and pass it on.