Her Baby Was On The Verge Of Death. What Doctors Do To Save Her Life Is APPALLING!

Her Baby Was On The Verge Of Death. What Doctors Do To Save Her Life Is APPALLING!

Genevieve Lopez

It was her first baby, and Teresa Beauclair couldn’t be any happier as a brand new mother. But doctor’s quickly discover something wrong with her newborn baby girl, Baby Fae. She was born with a rare heart condition called hypoplastic left heart syndrome. They gave her three options, to leave her at the hospital to die, to take her to another hospital to die, or to take her home to die.

One Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon heard about the case and made a brave move no other would dare risk. When he suggested to replace Baby Fae’s heart with the heart of a baboon, Teresa was convinced he was a mad scientist. But as bizarre as it sounded, it was their only hope to keep Baby Fae alive.

Watch the incredible story of Baby Fae and her journey of survival! It’s nothing like you’ve ever heard before!

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