This 1 Pound Baby Is Stronger Than Anyone You’ll Ever Meet – She Had The Strength To SURVIVE!

This 1 Pound Baby Is Stronger Than Anyone You’ll Ever Meet – She Had The Strength To SURVIVE!

Ashley Rego

Kayleigh Freeman was born premature. So premature, in fact, that at birth she weighed a mere one pound.

Doctors knew her chances of survival were slim, and told the parents to expect for the worst.

But Kayleigh wasn’t ready to give up this easily. Refusing to let go of the life she was blessed with, this strong little baby fought through surgery after surgery, defying all odds. 

All the while, Kayleigh’s family remained positive, keeping their heads high and their spirits unwavering. I’m so amazed by their strength!

This story is more than proof that miracles CAN happen. Please SHARE.