If You Have Babysitters, You NEED To See What Happens On This Nanny Cam

If You Have Babysitters, You NEED To See What Happens On This Nanny Cam

Sophia Gioiello

Finding a trustworthy babysitter can be troublesome for many parents. Once you find a nanny that you can count on, you never anticipate this to happen.

The parents installed a baby monitor for their nanny, Ashley, to keep a careful eye on their daughter, Samantha. Then the unimaginable happened. Ashley says she does not get startled easily and thought it was all a prank when she heard unfamiliar sounds from the camera.

When she least expected it, those sounds then turned to words! Watch the video below to see whose voice came through on Ashley’s nanny camera. It’s almost too creepy to believe!

Don’t forget to SHARE this video on Facebook to stop these horrific people!