There’s Only One Way For This Deer To Escape His Backyard, And Dad Caught It All On Camera!

There’s Only One Way For This Deer To Escape His Backyard, And Dad Caught It All On Camera!

Bethany Burrows

Dad was enjoying the sunny afternoon with his little boy, when they were about to head outside to play in their backyard. But as they grabbed their baseball gloves and headed to the lawn, they realized someone already beat them to it!

Right in their own backyard, there was a friendly deer playing in the grass. Unsure of what else to do, dad grabbed the camera and captured the deer as he began hopping the fences of all the backyards – just like a track athlete! I’m not sure if he was in distress and trying to escape, or if he was testing the limits of his jumping abilities!

Check out the video below, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen!

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