Her Son Was Rioting in Baltimore. What Mom Does When She Catches Him … OMG!

Her Son Was Rioting in Baltimore. What Mom Does When She Catches Him … OMG!

Patrick Dangermond

Right now, Baltimore is probably the last place that many people want to be. There are riots going on that have caused a lot of grief and sadness throughout the city. Regardless of how you feel about the politics involved, it’s a scary time to be in the city.

However, not everyone is scared. Take this woman for example. She was out and discovered that her son was one of the people that was inciting violence and looting. Needless to say, she was having NONE of it.

She started knocking some sense into her son and even pulled the mask off of his face so that people could see him. Can you imagine what you would do if you were in her shoes?

This is just a brief glimpse, but I would bet that she did that the whole way home. Mama knows this is NOT how she raised her son!

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