This Beautiful Newborn Baby Was Abandoned In A Plastic Bag. You’ll NEVER Guess Who Discovered Her!

This Beautiful Newborn Baby Was Abandoned In A Plastic Bag. You’ll NEVER Guess Who Discovered Her!

Sophia Gioiello

Just a few days old, beautiful baby Chloe was left outside of an apartment complex, cold and alone, in nothing but a plastic bag.

It’s so hard to understand why someone would leave this gorgeous newborn girl on the side of a road. Thankfully, a woman had been out walking her dog when the four legged creature picked up a peculiar scent!

Fortunately, the dog found her just hours after she was abandoned- Chloe was still very healthy and unexposed to the elements of the evening! Chloe was immediately taken to the hospital where doctors hope to find Chloe a permanent home.

What an amazing story. I am so thankful this adorable child was found as quickly as she was! Please SHARE!