Mommy Blogger Posts Letter To All Mothers On Her Facebook Page

Mommy Blogger Posts Letter To All Mothers On Her Facebook Page

Angela Markus

Being a mother is hard work, no one can deny that. 

One Australian “mommy blogger” recently wrote a Facebook post to salute all mothers, regardless of what other judging mothers may say.

Constance Hall has a potent message for mothers who are struggling and are constantly judged by other mothers.

In her post, the blogger saluted moms for taking time for themselves while juggling motherhood.

The viral message seems to be hitting a note with users around the world.

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“To the woman at the park, looking at her phone, ignoring her children, I salute you. For not giving into the public perception that you should be switched on, 24 hours a day,” she wrote. “To the woman with piles of dishes and washing who walks straight out the door for a coffee at her friends, I salute you. Being a good mum or wife or human does NOT mean spending eternity cleaning your house.”

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Dealing with diapers, tantrums, and the terrible twos is nothing compared to the complex inner struggles of being a mother. Motherhood is a major learning curve. One minute you’re pregnant and the next you’re feeding and diapering in addition to obligation of other household duties. The stress that brings is sometimes disquieting.

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She also addresses mothers who take antidepressant and those who “did not lose all of their baby weight.” The blogger rightfully says, “a brand new 24-hour job that doesn’t pay and won’t end for around 20 years is NOT a good time to give up cake”.

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Many mothers from around the world can relate to this mom. Read the entire post above and let us know what you think. 

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