Adorable British Little Boy Finds Out He’s Going To Be A Big Brother, Has Cutest Reaction Ever

Adorable British Little Boy Finds Out He’s Going To Be A Big Brother, Has Cutest Reaction Ever

Erika Carter

There aren’t too many videos where I find myself squeaking and embarrassingly gushing, “Oh my gosh, this is SO cute!” But this is definitely one of those videos.

When little Ethan finds out his mom, Sarah Bromby, is expecting a baby, he loses his mind in the best way possible. Plus, his reactions are made all the better because of his adorable British accents. Seriously, you might not even be able to handle this cuteness overload.

Ethan at first doesn’t believe his mom is telling the truth, but when she finally convinces him that she really is having another baby, he gets SO excited. He wants to know all about what the baby’s doing right now and when it’s coming out. He even offers to let the new baby sleep in his bed when he or she arrives. Talk about a sweet big brother!

Sarah uploaded the video to her personal Facebook where it quickly went viral. We hope she wasn’t trying to keep the news private!

How did your kids react when you told them you were expecting again? Did any of them have a reaction like Ethan’s? Let us know!

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