She’s Surprised To Find Out She’s Going To Be A Big Sister And She Hits Dad With A Surprise Of Her Own…

She’s Surprised To Find Out She’s Going To Be A Big Sister And She Hits Dad With A Surprise Of Her Own…

Bethany Burrows

When they find out they’re going to be an older sibling, most kids react with smiles and laughter. Sometimes tears of happiness and sometimes even tears of disappointment. I have NEVER seen a child react like THIS before!

Her dad was reading her a book that is meant for big sisters and asked if she knew why they got it for her. He then announced to two-year-old Kathryn that she was going to be a big sister! She looked at him with a serious expression before announcing, “I farted.”

Dad was so surprised by her response that he immediately started laughing. As the camera begins to shake, you can tell mom is laughing too! This was NOT the response they expected but it’s one that they’ll remember forever!

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