These Binder Clip Life Hacks Is Everything You Need in Life

These Binder Clip Life Hacks Is Everything You Need in Life

Angela Markus

Binder clips are the underdog of the office supply world. Everyone raves about its alternate, the paper clip, but what about the trusty old binder clip? The funny YouTuber, the Crazy Russian Hacker, got a few ways that put this lone ranger—the binder clip—to great use.

I’ll be honest, sometimes when I see a lot of so-called life hacks, my first thought is, “Why?” But when they are as good as the ones in this video, my thoughts change to, “Why didn’t I think of that?!”

If you want to know how to use every last drop of toothpaste, the Crazy Russian Hacker shows you how. What about a small cut out picture of a book or magazine that you need a stand for? A binder clip will solve that problem. He claims it will hold any picture of any size.

The most genius of ideas involves the smartphone dock. Clip your charger with a medium size clip, remove the spring steels and clip with a larger binder clip. Be sure to remove the spring steels as well and connect your phone. It stands perfectly.

You can also learn to prevent gift paper from unraveling or allow your chips to hang in the pantry, and organize your messy cords. This guy is a genius. For the price of a bag binder clips, its uses are invaluable and endless.

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