Everyone on the Internet has fallen in love with this therapy dog.
He looks a little different than your average service dog, but this Golden Retriever knows how to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Smiley, who was born with dwarfism and without eyes, was sentenced to death at puppy mill at the age of two.
Almost ten years later, Smiley has become an inspiration! Each day, Smiley visits patients at retirement homes, helps special needs kids at a library reading program and keeps patients company at nursing homes in Stouffville, Canada.
With a face like that, Smiley is the perfect name for this cutie!
His owner, Joanne George, says people are instantly drawn to Smiley and all the kids LOVE him!
How could you not love a face like this?!
Smiley teaches his friends with disabilities not to dwell on their differences, but to focus on the positives!
But he’s just like your average pup, and LOVES to play!
Smiley has changed the lives of hundreds!
He may not be able to see that popcorn, but Joanne says she has taught him “good manners” just like any other dog.
Joanne says Smiley’s life is approaching the end. His steps may be getting a little bit slower, but she says his “tail will never stop wagging.
Seriously, he’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!
No, thank YOU Smiley!
Make sure to SHARE Smiley’s inspirational story with all your animal-loving friends on Facebook!